Jan 25, 2024 ireflect
Starting High School: Tips for Students

Starting high school can be stressful, and on your first day, you might feel like the smallest, youngest and newest kid in your class.

It’s okay to feel a little nervous about your first few weeks of school. That’s totally normal and many of your classmates will be feeling the same.

Just remember to be yourself and embrace the changes that are ahead of you.

You might be feeling a bit nervous – that’s okay and totally normal when you start something new.

Take care of yourself

Be sure to get plenty of sleep, exercise and eat healthily. This will help you to stay focused, give you enough energy to tackle your school work and join in-class activities.

Taking care of yourself will help you to build self-confidence, mentally prepare you for the changes ahead and equip you with positive vibes that you can share at school.

Try new things at high school

Go into high school with an open mind. There will be many new people to meet and activities to try. You may want to get a kick start by trying some of the extra-curricular activities your school has to offer, like joining a sports team, playing in a band or taking part in photography or drama club.

Trying new experiences will help you get to know your new classmates and find peers who have similar interests to you.

Keep up a routine

A part of high school you may not have experienced before is doing homework. Take some time to set up a routine that includes time for study, and you’ll be better prepared to stay on top of your workload.

Talk to your family about setting up a quiet, distraction-free space at home where you’ll be able to do your homework tasks.

What can I do now?

This article originally appeared at Reach Out here.

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